Aug 24, 2017
NIRV Highlights, Issue 1, August 14, 2017 PDF | Project Details | Other Highlights: Editing and Salsa; NIRVana; Screening NIRV Films The training begins… Saturday, July 29th marked Day 1 of CSFilm’s New Immigrant and Refugee Visions documentary filmmaking training...
Aug 18, 2017
We are getting close to our goal… help us fuel the learning! Thank you so much to those of you who have contributed. We are now just $3,000 short of the funds needed to complete the first phase of the New Immigrant and Refugee Visions (NIRV) documentary filmmaking...
Aug 7, 2017
Documentary Filmmaking Editors/Trainers Needed for New Immigrant and Refugee Filmmaking Training And Production Boston-based Community Supported Film (CSFilm) is training 10 new immigrants and refugees in documentary filmmaking as part of our New Immigrant and Refugee...
Jul 21, 2017
The women and men selected for the New Immigrant and Refugee Visions (NIRV) project come from around the world and bring a diversity of backgrounds, skills, interests and community engagement activities related to social and economic justice. We look forward to...
Aug 1, 2014
“We all have to demand an improvement in our news diet. A balanced diet that’s less self-centric, that includes more local perspectives, will really help us be better informed, and therefore, more effective citizens.” On April 13, Michael Sheridan, an...