Special Thanks to the following generous funders of the 2014-15 Haiti training, production and distribution of Owning Our Future: Haitian Perspectives in Film.

Executive Producers, $5,000 plus

Foundations and Governments
The Swiss Development Cooperation

Wes Callender and Patricia Davis
Teryl Euvremer
Jeanne Steig

Producers, $1,000-4,999

Lynne Adams and George Fifield
Christine Arveil and Benoit Rolland
Vidu and Alka Chavda
Anuradha Desai

Associate Producers, $500-999

Rob Buchanan
Vishakha Desai and Bob Oxnam
Antara Desai and Arjun Menon
Kaberi Banerjee Murthy and Vikram Murthy
Edward Wheatley and Mary Mackay

Assistant Producers, $50-499

Benjamin and Emily Achtenberg
David and Lynne Adamian
Kristin and Kenneth Alexander
Wendy Baring-Gould
Jessica Bethoney
Carroll Ann Bottino
Zayde Buti
Patricia Chappell
Jane Crosby
Clare McKeown Davies and Chris Davies
Donna DeCesare
Swati Desai and Gary Stephens
Diana Digges
Paul Fullagar
John and Deborah Goodman
Beth Grader
Paul Green and Avivah Goldman
Fred and Cordette Grimsey
Sue Gronewold and Peter Winn
Inez Hedges
Nicholas and Yessun Kitchen
George Kovach
John Levasseur
Charles and Sue Mann
Dana Moser
Mary and Sherif Nada
Anuradha and Anand Parikh
Judith and Warren Radtke
Joan Rae
Katherine M. Raisz
Robert Rooy
Laura Roper
Lawrence Rosenberg
Victoria Rothbaum
Scott Ruescher and Rebecca Hayden
Michael Shimkin and Barbara Fiorito
Donald and Peggy Shriver
Susanne Slavick and Andrew Johnson
Nita Sturiale Taibi
Peter Teo
Nancy Turner and Dave Cain
Gabrielle Watson
Andrew and Rosamond Zimmermann