Water Ways film highlighted

Water Ways film highlighted

The United States Institute of Peace’s PeaceMedia initiative has highlighted Majid’s short Water Ways.  You can see it and learn more about USIP and Peace Media at...

First screenings and discussions in the States

The following is an excerpt from an email sent to the Community Supported Film team of filmmakers that has now been founded, post training, in Kabul: Dear Team, This week I am working on a revised proposal for funding from the US Embassy, preparing for screenings and...
Next steps and Expanding Goals

Next steps and Expanding Goals

The completion of our October/November 2010 production training is only the beginning of our work.  From now on, selected trainees and more experienced members of the Afghan documentary filmmaking community will partner on the making of the film Brewing Tea in a...
Training Concludes with Kabul Screening

Training Concludes with Kabul Screening

[Ed. 7/21: CSFilm has removed the last names of Afghans and the images of those still in the country due to the deteriorating security situation.] The final weeks of postproduction were packed with repeated reviews of 10 rough cuts. Four editors worked 10-12 hours a...