May 23, 2022
As it gets harder to feed their families, more and more Afghans are attempting risky journeys into Iran via Pakistan to find work. Source: The Afghans risking violence and dangerous journeys to reach Iran, by Aaquib Khan, The New Humanitarian,...
Jan 20, 2017
Haitian social entrepreneur and impact investor, Daniel Jean-Louis, is working on multiple fronts to reduce Haiti’s reliance on aid and increase employment in the country where 70 percent of adults lack a proper job. Source: How This Social Entrepreneur Is...
Aug 27, 2016, by Alexandra Filindra, Amber Wichowsky And Meghan Condon, Aug. 22, 2016 Twenty years ago today, President Bill Clinton signed into law the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reauthorization Act, promising famously to “end welfare as we...
Aug 18, 2016, by Melissa Etehad, Aug. 12, 2016 — The well-educated, 20-year-old woman did not want to leave Afghanistan, but she said she had no choice. After receiving death threats because of her work on women’s rights, she feared for her life and left...