Oct 29, 2018
“It’s taken me a long time to learn that when talking with those whose opinions are different from mine I can’t be curious and judgmental at the same time.” — This was said by an audience member during a New Immigrant and Refugee Visions (NIRV)...
Nov 21, 2017
By LAURA HAZARD OWEN, November 16, 2017, for Nieman Lab “The hope is that, if news organizations are more clear and transparent about what they’re doing, then users can make their own decisions.” Will readers trust the news more if they have more information about...
Nov 20, 2017
By Larisa Epatko, November 17, 2017, for PBS Murals are popping up in and around Kabul, aimed at getting people to think about what’s possible. ArtLords, based in the Afghan capital, grew from a small group of artists and volunteers who wanted to share — in vivid...
Nov 17, 2017
By KEN DOCTOR, November 16, 2017, for NeimanLab First Sinclair and now the Kochs are back. In an age of media free-for-all and massive deregulation, will fact-based journalism become an endangered species? Quibble, if you will, about the level of degeneracy now...
Sep 13, 2017
By: Amanda Lichtenstein, September 11, 2017, for Global Voices United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently announced that the Trump administration would terminate a program that grants two-year renewable work and study permits to immigrants who were brought...