Jul 6, 2022
The trend will not merely exacerbate the income divide of local communities, it will worsen the cultural and ideological divide. Local news vacuums tend to get filled by national news — which is more partisan and more ideological — or through social media. Source:...
Jun 23, 2022
How young people’s news habits and attitudes have changed amid rising concerns about news distrust and news avoidance, increasing public attention to social issues such as climate change and social justice, and the growth of newer platforms such as TikTok and...
Apr 13, 2022
“Diversity is not only about who is telling the story, but about how and to whom you are telling the story,” Source: International Journalism Festival 2022: what we learnt in Perugia about the future of...
May 4, 2021
“There is an increasing need for African voices to be heard in the spaces where policy is made, especially around digital rights and access to digital platforms. So if there is a strong coalition that can help amplify these local voices, that could be a further...
Mar 18, 2021
We can learn lessons from local media when addressing major communication challenges, including those surrounding take-up of COVID-19 vaccines. Source: Stanford Social Innovation Review, InterNews, By Jeanne Bourgault Mar. 1, 2021, Lessons From...