Oct 5, 2022
For years, democracy around the world has been in retreat. Dictators have made every effort to reassert their hold on power, with independent media often a first line of attack. Despite this troubling trend, movements for democracy are constantly emerging, ushering in...
May 23, 2022
“Many journalists have gone into hiding or fled abroad with no legal or financial support and only pro-military publications can now work openly in the country.” Source: Myanmar journalists face grave risks at every turn, by Mong Palatino, Global...
Mar 23, 2021
Foreign countries have multiple options for increasing the pressure on the Myanmar junta and supporting the civil disobedience movement—boosting targeting sanctions on military leaders and military holding companies, for instance—but they also must prepare for massive...
Aug 9, 2016
UNITED NATIONS, Jul 27 2016, ipsnews.net, by Aruna Duttoriginal – Narrow national interests are threatening to derail an upcoming UN summit which aims to bring countries together to find a more humane and coordinated approach to large movements of refugees and...