Jul 9, 2013
[Ed. 7/21: CSFilm has removed the last names of Afghans and the images of those still in the country due to the deteriorating security situation.] Check out this insightful article originally published in REORIENT Magazine—a publication that covers Middle Eastern arts...
Nov 27, 2012
The Good Men Project exclusively presents “Death to the Camera,” one of the ten documentary films in the collection The Fruit of Our Labor – Afghan Perspectives in Film. For one week only, the full 20 minute film will be available to watch on their...
Nov 13, 2012
[Editor 7/21: CSFilm has removed the last names of Afghans and the images of those still in the country due to the deteriorating security situation.] Congratulation to CSFilm trainee Qasem, whose short film Death to the Camera won the competitive Promotional Award at...
Mar 20, 2012
[Ed. 7/21: CSFilm is no longer using the last names of Afghans or the images of those still in the country due to the deteriorating security situation.] Qasem’s short film Death to the Camera from The Fruit of Our Labor collection was selected to be screened at...