Apr 20, 2021
These programs perpetuate a white savior mentality, are paternalistic, and commodify children. Source: Opinion: Carol Sherman, The New Humanitarian, 4/20/21 Who really benefits from child...
Oct 13, 2016
[To help Haiti’s hurricane recovery, please support Haitian-led organizations] By Ingrid Arnesen, www.thedailybeast.com, October 13th, 2016 After traveling through the once beautiful, now devastated peninsula that bore the brunt of the storm, it is hard to...
Jul 6, 2016
Even as the group has publicly celebrated its work, insider accounts detail a string of failures by Justin Elliott, ProPublica, and Laura Sullivan, NPR June 3, 2015, Photo credit: Marie Arago, special to ProPublica, RED CROSS THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF CAMPECHE sprawls up a...