Nov 9, 2017
To get something done in Afghanistan, you need to know Scott Guggenheim. But even the ultimate fixer isn’t sure anyone can solve the country’s problems. By May Jeong, November/December 2017, for Politico On November 9, 2016, Scott Guggenheim, a longtime American...
Jul 9, 2013
[Ed. 7/21: CSFilm has removed the last names of Afghans and the images of those still in the country due to the deteriorating security situation.] Check out this insightful article originally published in REORIENT Magazine—a publication that covers Middle Eastern arts...
May 31, 2013
More women imprisoned for ‘moral crimes’ as fears grow that hard-won rights are at risk as western troops head home. By Emma Graham-Harrison 21 May 2013, Guardian Newspaper The number of Afghan women jailed for fleeing forced and abusive marriages, and...