Haiti News and Views

ON HAITI | Video: Stolen futures, Haiti’s gangs and its children

ON HAITI | Video: Stolen futures, Haiti’s gangs and its children

‘Most of our friends didn’t make it to their 18th birthdays.’

Many of these gang members are under 24. Some are children as young as 11.

With few work or educational opportunities, many gang members say they have turned to the armed groups as a way of earning quick cash or gaining power. Some even say they are doing what the government has failed to do – taking care of its population.

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ON HAITI | Help Haiti’s Earthquake Recovery

ON HAITI | Help Haiti’s Earthquake Recovery

From the Haitian Artists Institute: Here we share a list of a few trusted, local, Haitian-led organizations working in the affected regions should you want to help the relief efforts. These groups have our full confidence.

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