Issues and Analysis

ON AFGHANITAN |ON MIGRATION – Afghans who fled to the US hope that Congress will fix their status – The World 

ON AFGHANITAN |ON MIGRATION – Afghans who fled to the US hope that Congress will fix their status – The World 

After Afghanistan fell to the Taliban tens of thousands of Afghans made their way to the United States. They were allowed to stay under a program called “humanitarian parole.” But that status expires in a couple of months, and although they can renew one time, many are calling for Congress to pass the Afghan Adjustment Act, which would allow them to seek more permanent status.

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War is a Racket! by The Department of Homeland Inspiration – featuring the Art Ranger and Michael Sheridan

War is a Racket! by The Department of Homeland Inspiration – featuring the Art Ranger and Michael Sheridan

Art Ranger, along with her colleague Michael Sheridan, review “War is a Racket” by Brigadier General Smedley D. Butler. This highly decorated war hero becomes dogged activist and tours the country giving speeches about how he was in effect, a bully for the corporations, then quit.  Art Ranger and Sheridan share excerpts of the text as well as a piece of their minds. Sonic textures provided by our back up band, The Dirty Pens.

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ON THE MEDIA | Meet the Next Generation of Mexican Filmmakers, Global Press Journal

ON THE MEDIA | Meet the Next Generation of Mexican Filmmakers, Global Press Journal

After the 1994 [Zapatista] uprising, a boom in documentary films focused on indigenous themes and communities — but the overwhelming majority, Sojob says, were made by people from outside the state. Her own interest in storytelling began when, using a camera that her father gave her, she recorded an ongoing land conflict between the people of Chenalhó and the neighboring town of Chalchihuitán. Unless there was some sort of testimony, she realized, no one would know what was happening, “that it was us, ourselves, who had to get out everything that was happening within, from our own context, from our community.”

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ON MIGRATION, ON AFGHANITAN | Biden Admin Plan to Resurrect Asylum Ban Advances Trump Agenda – ACT NOW

ON MIGRATION, ON AFGHANITAN | Biden Admin Plan to Resurrect Asylum Ban Advances Trump Agenda – ACT NOW

President Biden’s administration has said it will introduce a new rule that would deny many from seeking asylum based on their manner of entry or transit through other countries. The asylum ban is a fundamental departure from how our life-saving asylum system should work and is reminiscent of moments in our nation’s history when we turned away refugees to their death. 

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