CSFilm continues to provide legal and logistical support for our Afghan colleagues as they seek a path to safety and stability. Many of the evacuation and resettlement appeals and parole cases that we have filed continue to languish in US State Department systems. Several cases have been denied, leaving the families without hope for resettlement.
In a surprise turn, one family that has been suffering abuse in Iran due to both public and governmental attitudes toward Afghans, has been granted Humanitarian Parole. Humanitarian Parole grants them temporary refuge in the United States. This rare success was achieved by our pro bono law firm, Sivaraman Immigration Law in North Carolina, who filed extensive and deeply researched responses to the US government’s requests for further evidence. We are so thankful for their generous and knowledgeable work. The challenge for the family in Iran is that they must first move to a country with a US Embassy to further process their case. As Afghans, it is impossible for the family to get visas to travel to any nearby country. For the time being they continue to struggle in Iran without a path forward.
On a positive note, two US veterans organizations, With Honor and Ipsos, recently conducted a poll to gauge public support for continuing to assist Afghans. The poll results were incredibly positive in regards to Afghan who helped the US military. 81% of Americans say “yes” when asked if the U.S. should help these Afghans escape Afghanistan and start a new life in America. I wish it was a broader question that included all the human rights, development and media workers who, with Western backing, risked their lives in the hope of liberating their country from extremism.