ON THE MEDIA | Meet the Next Generation of Mexican Filmmakers, Global Press Journal

February 22, 2023

In southern Mexico, women filmmakers train their lenses on their communities and beyond, and the film establishment is taking notice.

After the 1994 [Zapatista] uprising, a boom in documentary films focused on indigenous themes and communities — but the overwhelming majority, Sojob says, were made by people from outside the state. Her own interest in storytelling began when, using a camera that her father gave her, she recorded an ongoing land conflict between the people of Chenalhó and the neighboring town of Chalchihuitán. Unless there was some sort of testimony, she realized, no one would know what was happening, “that it was us, ourselves, who had to get out everything that was happening within, from our own context, from our community.”

Source: Meet the Next Generation of Mexican Filmmakers, Global Press Journal, , February 21, 2023

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