ON AFGHANISTAN | The Taliban Continue to Tighten Their Grip on Afghan Women and Girls – USIP

January 6, 2023

Since the Taliban’s August 2021 takeover of Afghanistan, they have ratcheted up restrictions on women and girls as the group consolidates power. These restrictions include limitations on employment, education, public interactions and other fundamental rights such as access to justice. These restrictions have only tightened over time with increasingly draconian enforcement — the latest being public floggings that harken back to the Taliban’s 1990s rule. Amid the U.N.’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, USIP has compiled a comprehensive archive of Taliban decrees and public statements on the treatment of women and girls. While leaders and activists around the globe strategize and develop plans to address gender-based violence in their respective countries, Afghanistan stands out as a worst-case example, with two decades of hard-won progress rapidly unwinding.

Source: The Taliban Continue to Tighten Their Grip on Afghan Women and Girls, by Belquis Ahmadi;  Scott Worden, United States Institute of Peace, December 8, 2022

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