The situation in Afghanistan and for Afghan refugees outside the country is very difficult. CSFilm continues working to:
- Get our colleagues out of Afghanistan
- Support those in Afghanistan and neighboring countries
- Advance the refugee cases of those evacuated to Europe, and to
- Advocate the US government to follow through on its obligations.
Donate to CSFilm’s Fund for Afghan Evacuation and Resettlement and our new online training program in documentary filmmaking.
Update by the numbers:
15 Afghans in very tenuous situations in Iran and Pakistan that we are trying to help move to other countries. Their US asylum cases cannot be processed in either Iran or Pakistan.
16+ Afghans that we continue to try to help evacuate from Afghanistan
19 Afghans in Europe being assisted with the processing of their US asylum applications
41 Afghans in Afghanistan or neighboring countries that we have assisted with legal or living expenses
45 Asylum referrals submitted by CSFilm that have been acknowledged by the US government but remain in limbo
78 Meetings attended with the AfghanEvac coalition
886 Hours CSFilm has spent on Afghan evacuation and resettlement since August of 2021
43,296 Dollars donated by CSFilm supporters to the Fund for Afghan Evacuation and Resettlement
44,375 Dollars spent on legal and living expenses for Afghans.
We need your continued generous support for the Fund for Afghan Evacuation and Resettlement as well as the following ongoing mission-based work of CSFilm.
New Online Training Program in Documentary Filmmaking
CSFilm is developing new training programs and working with Afghans in Afghanistan and those displaced on documentary filmmaking training and mentoring.
One major initiative stemming from this work is the creation of a fully online asynchronous training program in documentary filmmaking. The work to create comprehensive training videos and online resources is budgeted to cost just over $100,000 dollars. It will be usable for years to come.