ON THE MEDIA | Somalia’s first all-women media team puts women journalists in control of the news agenda

April 15, 2022

“For too long, Somali women journalists have been treated as second class citizens and Somali news has ignored the stories and voices of half the population; now we are in charge of the boardroom and the narrative,” said Nasrin Mohamed Ibraham, who is taking up the post of Bilan’s Chief Editor. “Some people might not like the fact that I play football and lead a media team. But nobody will ever change my mind.”

“As a women-only media house we are going to be able to bring taboo subjects into the open. Our sisters, mothers and grandmothers will talk to us about issues they never dare speak about with men,” said Fathi Mohamed Ahmed, Bilan’s Deputy Editor.

Source: Somalia’s first all-women media team puts women journalists in control of the news agenda | United Nations Development ProgrammeApril 11, 2022

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