ON HAITI | Help Haiti’s Earthquake Recovery

August 18, 2021

CSFilm received the following email from the Artists Institute in Haiti. It has excellent suggestions for Haitian organziations to support following the earthquake.

Dear Friends, Colleagues, and Supporters,
We know it’s been some time since you’ve heard from us.  We are deeply distraught by this weekend’s earthquake in Haiti. To add to the tragedy, this week’s tropical storm “Grace” did not live up to her name and battered the south coast of the country with high winds and heavy rains compounding the disaster and complicating relief efforts. 
While Jacmel and the Artists Institute were shaken by the quake and drenched by the storm, we are lucky that our Jacmel-based team, all our neighbors and friends, as well as the Institute’s facilities stayed safe and were unscathed. Thank you to all who have reached out to us during this difficult time.
Truth be told, weeks ago we had planned to launch a new fundraising initiative today for the Artists Institute. Excited to share news, updates, and plans and invite you – our community – to be a part of the next chapter. Sadly, as we see the tragedy unfolding with our brothers and sisters in Les Cayes, Jeremie, and the surrounding areas we know that the emergency must be attended to and want to instead encourage you to support the life and limb saving medical work that is so desperately needed in the devastated areas.
Here we share a list of a few trusted, local, Haitian-led organizations working in the affected regions should you want to help the relief efforts. These groups have our full confidence:

1. Haiti Health/ St. Boniface Haiti Foundation is the largest hospital in the region.
2. FOKAL is passing donations to local grassroots partners.
3. Hope for Haiti in Les Cayes has deep ties to the region.
4. Locally Haiti in Petit Trou de Nippes has been doing mobile clinics, taking the care to those who can’t reach it.
5. St Luke Foundation sent an emergency team in support to the affected area.  

Our thoughts and condolences go out to the earthquake victims and their families.  We are sending strength and courage to all the Haitian heroes everywhere working together to navigate yet another challenge in our nation’s history.
We will connect with you in the near future about our short and long-term plans and priorities for the Artists Institute of Haiti. 
Kenbe djam — stay strong! Looking forward to sharing more with you on our next chapter soon.
The Artists Institute of Haiti team. 

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