The Alliance For Refugee Youth Support And Education (ARYSE) and Casa San Jose have teamed up for a series of virtual film screening events with the New Immigrant and Refugee Visions (NIRV) film collection.
The first of three events took place on this past Tuesday, November 24.
“I had not recognized the difficulties of being an immigrant entrepreneur. I found the films that focused on this aspect [of immigrant life] to be incredibly enlightening.”
You can register for the next two Zoom-based events via EventBrite:
December 1, 6:30pm-8pm EST, Register
December 8, 6:30pm-8pm EST, Register
The films “motivate me to learn more about different immigrant communities throughout the nation and the world.”
In between each film, guests can hear the reflections and reactions of local experts.
“The panelists gave really great suggestions and insights into the ways we can make change and become more connected as a community.”
RSVP via Eventbrite to receive a link to the event in your inbox on the day of the event. ARYSE and Casa San Jose will also share the link on the Facebook page on the day of each event.