This film “increased my empathy for the political difficulties of immigrants.”

September 18, 2020

During this Welcoming Week 2020, the Greater Lafayette Immigrant Allies (Lafayette, IN) organized a virtual NIRV Screen&Discuss to highlight the experiences of immigrants in US politics.

“I learned that the fight for ethnic representation in our political system is an uphill struggle.”

The Zoom-based event featured a screening of Campaign for a New American by Qin Li (of China) followed by a panel discussion with Li; her film subject, Dimple Rana; and Monica Casanova, Assistant Director of the Immigration Clinic at Lafayette Urban Ministry.

Seeing Qin’s film “increased my empathy for the political difficulties of immigrants.”

“It was great to connect and hear the local candidates that were on the panel,” said Rana.

“I am also running for office and it was heart lifting to see a woman who looks like me run for local office,” remarked Casanova.

I’m motivated to “vote for diversity and attend more events like these!”

Our Screen&Discuss events are making impact around the country and you can can organize a Screen&Discuss event in your community, too!

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– Refugee Council – Quick Reference Guide and Top Four Ways to Take Action


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