The House of the Seven Gables, a colonial mansion turned non-profit museum in Salem Massachusetts, hosted a virtual NIRV Screen&Discuss on Wednesday, October 7 in honor of National Hispanic Heritage Month.
The discussion was informed by the screening of:
- She’s an American Child, by Rafael DeLeon, about Annabelle — a Dominican DACA recipient and her undocumented mother.
- Seeking Settled Ground, by Mohammad Arifuzzaman, about the challenges and opportunities facing Anwar — a newly arrived Rohingya refugee.
- Rhythms of Respect, by Katsyris Rivera-Kientz, about Jorge Arce — a Puerto Rican dancer, musician, educator, and cultural activist.
The three films were a revealing look at three diverse, Boston-based stories and the panel of partners including Rafael DeLeon, Annabelle, Jorge Arce and CSFilm director Michael Sheridan.
We had an interesting conversation about research and policy formation and wanted to share a couple of links from the discussion:
We also talked about immigrants making connections and wanted to share a few links on that topic:
Thanks to all who contributed to the films and conversation!