Week 8 Finale: New Immigrant and Refugee Visions-at-home
Here are the ten films from New Immigrant and Refugee Visions – ten films by and about immigrants – organized by the origins of the filmmakers and subjects: Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.
Create your own Facebook Watch Party.
In these difficult times, we need your help to organize NIRV Screen&Discuss events in your community to raise awareness about the issues facing new immigrants and refugees.
New Immigrant and Refugee Visions (NIRV) is a collection of documentary films by and about new immigrants in the United States.
Produced by Community Supported Film
Community Supported Film amplifies local voices in under- or mis-represented communities – whether they be from Afghanistan, Haiti or the US – so that they can communicate their lived-realities through documentary filmmaking.
In response to the current crisis we are making these films available online for free for a limited time. Help us cover our costs by donating.
Buy the films and support CSFilm by asking your town or institution’s library to purchase the films.