Community Supported Film is thrilled to announce that NIRV filmmaker Abdirahman Abdi, director of Worlds Apart at Home, now works for WCVB-TV as a freelance videographer and editor!
Abdi shoots, edits and packages content for TV and online broadcast and works with the Assignment Desk and Reporters to cover daily stories. WCVB will surely benefit from his diverse skill set.
Abdi graduated in May 2018 from UMass Boston with a degree in media communications and sociology. He came to America as a young boy and has remained active in his local and Somali community. He has volunteered his time and multi-media production skills to advance the work of the Somali Development Center and the North American Somali Students Union.
Abdi’s first documentary, Worlds Apart at Home, was produced during Community Supported Film’s New Immigrant and Refugee Visions training. Abdi’s film chronicles the Fiin family as they navigate tensions between parents and teenagers – one trying to fit in to their adopted inner-city American culture and the other trying to hold on to their Somali traditions.
New Immigrant and Refugee Visions (NIRV) is a collection of ten documentary films by and about new immigrants and refugees. The stories produced provide a unique insider perspective on the integration challenges faced by immigrants and the contributions they make to our culture, economy and social fabric.
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