YMCA National Partnership for NIRV Screen&Discuss

December 16, 2019

We are very pleased to announce a partnership with the YMCA to roll out the Screen&Discuss campaign to their network of hundreds of grassroots Ys across the country. CSFilm and the YMCA solidified their collaboration at the National Immigrant Integration Conference where NIRV filmmaker, Abdi Abdirahman and I were invited to present in October. This is a great fit for the Y’s focus on Diversity and Inclusion and in conjunction with their New American Welcome Centers.

All this work takes resources. We need your help now to sustain Community Supported Film’s Get-the-NIRV Screen&Discuss momentum into 2020. Election year 2020 will be critical to the welfare of new immigrants in the United States and migrants and refugees worldwide.

Please donate now toward our $30,000 year-end goal for NIRV distribution and new project development (more on this exciting news in a future email).

Many thanks,

The CSFilm Team

P.S. The NIRV DVD is available and could make for a great holiday gift for your loved and loving 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th…generation immigrant. 😉

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