Discussion Excerpts from NIRV Screen&Discuss – Cary Memorial Library, Lexington, M

May 9, 2019

Three films from the New Immigrant and Refugee Visions (NIRV) collection were screened and discussed at Cary Memorial Library in Lexington, MA on May 9, 2019.

NIRV filmmakers Rafael DeLeon (She’s an American Child), Qin Li (Campaign for a New American) and Braulio Tellez Vilches (Lift with Your Heart) introduced the NIRV project and engaged the audience in discussion. The subjects of Braulio’s and Rafael’s films, Jean Appolon and Annabelle, joined the discussion.

Below are excerpts from that discussion. NIRV Screen&Discuss events turn the traditional film screening Q&A on its head.  The filmmakers have developed a series of questions that they ask the audience. The questions ask the audience to reflect on their experience of the films and the broader issues facing immigrants and refugees in the United States.

Discussion Excerpt: Language and Culture

Discussion Excerpt: Why is immigration a focus of division?

New Immigrant and Refugee Visions in film is coming to
Cary Memorial Library in Lexington
Thursday, May 9, 7-8:30pm

Join us for film screening and dialogue about immigrants and refugees

She’s an American Child” by Rafael DeLeon of the Dominican Republic. A young woman from the Dominican Republic with DACA status faces potential deportation to a country she has not set foot in since she was five years old.

Campaign for a New American” by Qin Li of China. An Indian immigrant’s daughter campaigns to be elected as the first woman of color to the city-council of a town run by immigrants from another era.

Lift with Your Heart” by Braulio Tellez Vilches of Cuba. A Haitian choreographer teaches dance to motivate and heal community members of all ages and backgrounds and engage them in celebrating their own cultural heritage.

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Here are some options for your advocacy:

– Church World Services action-alert to oppose Trump’s indefinite refugee ban

– United in Welcome – Tell Your Elected Officials: We Value Welcoming

– Refugee Council – Quick Reference Guide and Top Four Ways to Take Action


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