NIRV Films featured in the Revere Journal

March 22, 2019

Ten New Films by and about Immigrants to Premiere in Boston

March 22, 2019, Revere Journal

Ten short documentary films, including one on Revere resident Dimple Rana, will share a view from all over the world, featuring immigrants being filmed by immigrants.

The Boston-based Community Supported Film (CSFilm), with Michael Sheridan, founder and director, selected and trained 10 immigrants from 10 different countries to produce 10 short documentary films on their fellow new immigrants.

[Correction:] Five [different] films will be screened at each event at the Boston Public Library on March 31 and April 1. The film on the Rana family will be screened at the Sunday, March 31st event 2:30-4pm. The idea of the films is to generate discuss about immigration.

The films include stories of Rohingya refugee, a Somali family, Haitian healing through dance, an Indian campaigning for office, a Puerto Rican cultural activist, a nursing home worker from Uganda, a Christian refugee from Bhutan, an Ethiopian helping rural Americans overcome addiction, and a story of an undocumented daughter with DACA status.

One film, directed by Qin Li, focuses on Revere resident Dimple Rana, who is Indian, who ran for a seat in the 2017 city council race, called “Campaign for a new American.” It’s actually a film about Rana’s mother, Lata Rana and raising a first-generation daughter who has an interest in politics and community activism.

“She worked on my campaign, she marched, she cooked and basically opened her home to my campaign,” Dimple Rana said. “It’s her story coming from India as an immigrant and also as a woman raising a family (with her husband Jagdish Rana) a supporting what her children do. She’s a champion in supporting us.”

CSFilm is working with local, regional and national organizations to facilitate dialogue about immigration across the country.

Show times: Sunday, March 31, 2:30-4 p.m. and Monday, April 1 from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Boston Public Library, Copley Square, Rabb Hall, 700 Boylston St., Boston.

View excerpts from all the films.

Attend the premiere events at the Boston Public Library, March 31 and April 1, 2019.

Organize a Screening of the New Immigrant and Refugee Vision films in your community.

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