At our recent New Immigrant and Refugee Visions (NIRV) Screen & Discuss events around the country, we asked our audiences to identify their heritage, and how recently their families came to the US. Click on the images below to see detail on the countries they come from.
- Be sure to also read audience comments about the powerful impact the events had on them!
- And help CSFilm get the NIRV films seen by more audiences.
23% said “I am an immigrant.”
26% said, “One or more of my parents were immigrants.”
51% said, “My family has been in the US for generations.”
In the US population as a whole, 13% are foreign born, 11% are children of immigrants, and the families of 76% have been in the US for generations.
Read audience comments about the powerful impact the events had on them!
Help CSFilm get the NIRV films seen by more audiences.