Press Coverage of NIRV Films in Ohio: “Short Films … By Immigrants”

September 21, 2018

The Jambar (Youngstown State University newspaper)
September 19, 2018
By Victoria Remley

[edited by CSFilm for length and accuracy]

The new short films by [Community Supported Film’s] New Immigrant and Refugee Visions project … give audience members a glimpse of immigrant and refugee experiences in America. Claudia Berlinski, [the McDonough Museum of Art’s program director] said she thinks the films will be enlightening. She said the topic is relevant and important politically and socially.

Susanne Slavick, RESORT exhibit artist, said the films show similarities between refugees and Americans. “The more we know about each other the less we fear each other.”

The films show audience members why immigrants came to America and what they hope to do here.

Sarah Herb, a junior early childhood intervention specialist major, did not have high expectations of the films. She related to an English as a second language teacher in [one] film because ESL is her major.

I really like the girl in the beginning, Dimple Rana. She was cool,” Herb said. “The guy at the end from Haiti, I don’t get how he can go back and forth so easily if immigration is a huge deal, but it was awesome.

Herb heard about the event through her Teaching English as a Second Language Methods class. She said the film related to the class.

“I didn’t know what that was going to have to do with it [TSAW], but it actually really tied into what we talked about in class,” she said.

The remaining screenings are 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 25, Friday, Sept. 28, Tuesday, Oct. 9, Friday, Oct. 12, Tuesday, Oct. 23 and Friday, Oct. 26 at the McDonough Museum of Art.

Original publication in The Jambar online.

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Here are some options for your advocacy:

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– Refugee Council – Quick Reference Guide and Top Four Ways to Take Action


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