ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT | Another global financial crisis for developing countries?

September 23, 2018

George Soros, Bill Gates and other pundits have been predicting another financial crisis. In their recent book, Revolution Required: The Ticking Bombs of the G7 Model, Peter Dittus and Herve Hamoun, former senior officials of the Bank of International Settlements, warned of ‘ticking time bombs’ in the global financial system waiting to explode, mainly due to the policies of major developed countries. Recent events vindicate such fears. Many emerging market currencies have come under considerable

Source: SYDNEY & KUALA LUMPUR, Sep 18 2018 (IPS),  Another global financial crisis for developing countries?

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Here are some options for your advocacy:

– Church World Services action-alert to oppose Trump’s indefinite refugee ban

– United in Welcome – Tell Your Elected Officials: We Value Welcoming

– Refugee Council – Quick Reference Guide and Top Four Ways to Take Action