Thank you for attending the NIRV Screen & Discuss Event at the Watertown Free Public Library!

April 3, 2018

Thank you very much to those who attended the New Immigrant and Refugee Visions (NIRV) Screen & Discuss event hosted and organized by the Watertown Free Public Library and the Watertown Citizens Refugee Support Group. It was great to have you there and to have so many new and familiar faces in attendance.
We are especially grateful to Sue-Ellen Hershman-Tcherpnin and Jill Clements for their hard work initiating, organizing and hosting the event and Christine Arveil and Susan Steele for helping with logistics and food.

The Event was a wonderful opportunity to get feedback on the films and insight on how to most effectively facilitate conversations on enhancing understanding of the immigrant experience and motivating actions to advance social justice and conflict resolution for our future screen & discuss events.

We are currently working to overcome the many challenges faced by the filmmakers and subjects participating in NIRV.  While we were only able to screen Abdi’s and Qin’s films, as most of the filmmakers are in the post-production phase, it was great to hear the audience’s responses and reactions. I am particularly thankful for your engaging questions and the thoughtful responses provided by Abdi and Mohammad during the Q&A. While Mohammad’s film about a Rohingya refugee has yet to be completed, it was especially great to have his participation and have a conversation about the process and challenges.

Please join us again, once the remainder of the films are completed, for further discussion about their stories, the process and the pressing issues facing immigrant and refugee communities in the United States.

Let us know if you have suggestions for screening venues.

We are working hard to raise $60,000 for the nationwide Screen & Discuss tour that will target communities both welcoming and resistant to new immigrants. Please support this work as generously as you can so that we can maximize the use of these films throughout the US.

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1 Comment

  1. Michael Sheridan

    Thank you very much, Michael for offering recently the films and conversation with the film makers and you. It was a special treat to see the work and also hear the filmmakers’ voices.
    Best wishes for your future projects.
    Angelika Festa


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