Summer 16 Newsletter

June 21, 2016




Screening of Haitian-made films in Boston

Wednesday, June 29th, 6:00 – 8:30 PM
Irish International Immigrant Center, 100 Franklin Street, Lower Level, Boston, MA 02110 (entrance at 201 Devonshire St)

Join Community Supported Film (CSFilm) and the Irish International Immigrant Center (IIIC) for a screening and lively discussion of Owning Our Future – Haitian Perspectives in Film. Haitian documentary filmmakers, trained by CSFilm, with backgrounds in journalism, theater and poetry, provide a unique opportunity to experience Haiti as it is lived by street vendors, business women, artists, farmers and more. Their stories nourish an understanding of Haiti that goes beyond the western media’s focus on crises and disasters. See excerpts of the films at

More Info: please call or email us at +1 (857) 415-0564 or info [at] csfilm dot org.

NIRV – New Immigrant and Refugee Voices 
Filmmaking TrainingWe have raised $25,000 of our $65,000 goal for the implementation of NIRV – the New Immigrant and Refugee Voices documentary filmmaking training and production project in the US.

Please help us reach our remaining $40,000 goal by August 31 so that we can start the training in the fall.

DonateWe have the perfect local partner, the Irish International Immigrant Center (IIIC), with whom we are working on project development, fundraising and community outreach. IIIC offers 3,000-plus people, from more than 120 countries, a full range of free or low cost legal, educational and wellness programs.

Fundamental to the IIIC’s core values is their vision of a shared society where all people are valued and enjoy equal opportunities and protections. Their Education and Inclusion Program builds connections across immigrant communities and between new immigrants and the general public. With the deliberate intent of helping people be at ease with differences, IIIC conducts and partners with organizations like CSFilm to provide experiential learning and storytelling programs. As part of the next phase of their Inclusion Program, IIIC and CSFilm are working together to provide a program that allows immigrants to tell their and their communities’ stories through the production of short documentary films.

We hope to begin this work in the fall but need an additional $40,000 by August 31 to make that happen.

Thank you so much for your help.  No amount is too small!  Donate

Learn more about CSFilm’s New Immigrant and Refugee Voices initiative and IIIC’s Education Program


Issues and Analysis

We are launching a new resource: Issues and Analysis Monthly. We will send a monthly listing of our favorite articles on the media, development and the countries where we are working.

Readers have thanked us for calling their attention to interesting articles on these issues. We post them regularly to our social media feeds and to Issues and Analysis on the home page of our website.

We would love to know about your favorite articles. Please send them to us via our social media feeds or email. Thanks!

On the Media
– Inside the Storytelling Revolution
Why an imperilled media needs better support

Economic and Social Development
– The Humanitarian Clock Is Ticking, The Powerful Feign Deafness
– Why the Poor Have Become Poorer in the US

– Don’t Dump US Peanuts on Haiti
– Health workers in Haiti on mission to thwart spread of Zika

– Chinese role in Afghanistan Pakistan relationship
– Afghanistan’s Growing Unrest: Implications for India’s Security

Click here for more from Issues and Analysis

Filmmaking Class

Filmmaking Class – Enroll

If you are interested in learning the fundamentals of filmmaking and are in Boston, USA, CSFilm director, Michael Sheridan, will be teaching a seven-week intensive course at Massachusetts College of Art and Design, June 30-August 17, Tues and Thurs 6:30-10pm.

Get the details and enroll

Train your staff in visual storytelling

Many non-profits do not have the funds to hire filmmakers and photographers to document their many activities and to visualize their stories. Organizations often rely on an already over-worked staff to snap pictures or record video on the run. Too often the results are not usable.

Community Supported Film provides cost effective trainings to individuals or organization in visual storytelling.  We can improve the impact of your work by helping your constituents and supporters better understand your mission. Visualize your message across media and platforms.   We are the masters of teaching visual storytelling effectively and efficiently in one hour or multi day sessions. Please call or email us at +1 (857) 415-0564 or info [at] csfilm dot org.

Read about a recent training

Haiti DVD

Haiti DVD Available

Owning Our Future – Haitian Perspectives in Film is available and receiving positive feedback.  Get your copy!  Get a free copy and help us out by hosting a screening: please call or email us at +1 (857) 415-0564 or info [at] csfilm dot org.

Community Supported Film’s innovative work and creative storytelling allows Haitians to reveal their own reality.” Serge JC Pierre-Louis, President, DuSable Heritage Association, Chicago

At the heart of it, artists can only really talk from their own experience, so if you want a story about sumthin’ that sumthin’ has got to tell the story itself. And, that’s just what these Haitian storytellers have done – beautifully and powerfully.” Dawn Kramer and Stephen Buck, Artists

Through these films, Community Supported Film is facilitating a powerful way for citizens – who are not necessarily professional journalists or filmmakers – to use film to narrate their lives in ways that Western media rarely shares.” Lisa Ulrich, Regional Director, Let’s Get Ready
Watch Excerpts;    Buy the DVD;    Host a Screening

Afghan DVD

MegaphoneHelp us Screen and Distribute our DVDs

Follow these easy steps to Organize a Screening of CSFilm’s Haitian or Afghan made films or host a presentation about the work of CSFilm and the value of locally produced stories.
Share our DVDs with colleagues, friends and family. And, ask your town and/or institution’s library to purchase our DVDs for their collections. Simply download this already written letter and email or mail it to your librarian! And, thanks!



LinkedIn-Michael Sheridan


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Advocate for Afghan Refugees

Advocate for Afghan Refugees

Your help is needed to advocate for refugees like Shekib and his family.

The Trump administration suspended the US refugee program and funding for refugee resettlement. This has stranded tens of thousands of refugees already vetted to enter the US and hundreds of thousands more who were in process.

Here are some options for your advocacy:

– Church World Services action-alert to oppose Trump’s indefinite refugee ban

– United in Welcome – Tell Your Elected Officials: We Value Welcoming

– Refugee Council – Quick Reference Guide and Top Four Ways to Take Action