Help us screen these Haitian-made films in May – Haitian Heritage Month

March 4, 2016

OOF-HPF DVD CoverWe need your help to organize screenings of Owning Our Future – Haitian Perspectives in Film during Haitian Heritage Month – in May.

We can be there with you to help present the films;  We’ve got all the materials you need – posters, flyers etc…  We just need your help with gathering the audience. Please call or email us at (857) 415-0564 or info[at]csfilm[dot]org to help us make a big Haitian splash during the month of May.

These ten Haitian-made documentaries provide a very unique opportunity for your community, school, college, church or organization to experience Haiti as it is lived by street vendors, business women, artists, farmers and more.  Their stories nourish an understanding of Haiti that goes beyond its man-made and natural disasters.

Your audience will come away with a completely new understanding of the economic and social challenges faced by Haitians and so many others in countries struggling against inequality and injustice.



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