Film 9, Day 9 of 10: Commemorating Haiti’s Earthquake Through Haitian-Made Films

January 20, 2016

CSFilm commemorates the 6th anniversary of the Haiti earthquake by sharing Haitian voices and visions. Take less than 10 minutes a day to watch a Haitian-made film. Learn from and share Haitian perspectives.

Today, an entrepreneurial Haitian woman, damaged physically, psychologically and economically by the 2010 earthquake, restores her family and her pride by starting her own interior decorating business:

Threading the Needle, (File Zegwi)– 6:01

Host a Screening                                                                                                  Buy the DVD

Director and Sound: Sylvestre Fils Dorcilus
Videographer: Christien Sylvaince, Editor: Evens Louis

Sylvestre Fils Dorcilus worked as a print journalist for Groupe Medialternatif. He currently works for a marketing company.

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