Haitian Perspectives In Film-Fundraising Campaign

July 8, 2014

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Haiti Fundraiser Update:

$1,700 to go: Despite the great generosity of so many we still have $1,700 to go to reach our $27,750 goal. If you haven’t had a chance to give yet, please contribute what you can so that we can learn from Haitians about their experience since the earthquake in 2010. www.csfilm.org/support

Challenge Grants: The great news is that 58 of you helped us meet both the $2,500 and $7,500 challenge grants. Thanks so much!

Haitian Partners: We have nearly finalized an agreement with our Haitian partners.   With that partnership in place and the near completion of our fundraising, we look forward to moving ahead with the training, production and education work this fall.



Make a Secure Donation NowPlease click this button for a tax deductible donation.  92% of it goes toward CSFilm’s work. (5% goes to our fiscal sponsor, The Center for Independent Documentary, and 3% to PayPal).

If you write a check made out to The Center for Independent Documentary and mail it to CSFilm’s address below, your donation is tax-deductible and 95% of it goes toward the work of CSFilm (5% goes to our fiscal sponsor).


If you write a check made out to Community Supported Film and mail it to the address below, 100% of your contribution will be used for CSFilm’s work. If you click the donate button below, 97% of your contribution will go to CSFilm (with 3% going to PayPal) – but neither of these options are tax deductible.

Community Supported Film
73 Johnswood Road
Boston, MA 02131, USA

ABOUT THE PROJECT: Haitian Perspectives in Film

We are launching a new project to train local storytellers in social issue documentary filmmaking, this time in Haiti. Your donation will support the training of Haitians to produce 10 short films. From a uniquely local perspective, their films will address the economic and social development challenges they have faced since the 2010 earthquake. The films will be released as a compilation in time for the 5th anniversary of the earthquake in January 2015.

This project will:

  1. Empower Haitian storytellers to use their unique experience since the 2010 earthquake to make documentary films that hold the Haitian government and the international community accountable to good governance and equitable economic development;
  2. Produce 10 Haitian-made, high quality short films that present Haitian issues, needs, and capacity from the local perspective. The intimate lived-reality stories produced by the Haitian storytellers will serve to counter the mainstream media’s focus on disasters, conflicts and crises which leave core-causes and long-term development issues unaddressed or misunderstood;
  3. Use these films to influence opinion and policy regarding effective aid and sustainable development in Haiti and internationally.

Our minimum goal for this campaign is $27,750. With your support, we will be able to proceed with the training and the trainee’s production of 10 short films. The total budget for the training, editing, production and duplication of the trainees’ films and initial distribution is $80,310. Please give generously and help spread the word to your networks about this campaign. Your support will help with:

  1. Training: A 5-week intensive training of 10 Haitians will be conducted by CSFilm in Haiti during which time the films will be produced. In addition to producing 10 high-quality short films, the training equips the storytellers with employable skills. All of our Afghan trainees received commissions or employment after the training.
  2. Distribution: The development of the public engagement campaign which, in collaboration with Haitian and international partner organizations, will use the films through the press, broadcast and online and public screenings to engage the public and decision makers in dialogue and actions around effective aid and disaster response.
  3. The screening and dialogue strategy will expand on the model used during CSFilm’s Afghanistan project. The Afghan-made films were the centerpiece of congressional briefings in collaboration with organizations such as the American Friends Service Committee and were shown to legislators, congressional committees and government departments.

Here is a sample of some of the project costs:

  • Transportation and living stipends for each Haitian Trainee: $50/week
  • Haitian Translator: $100/day
  • Haitian Assistant Trainers and Coordinator: $250/day
  • One round-trip ticket to Haiti (and back): $500
  • Cost to train one Haitian storyteller during the 5-week program and for them to produce one film: $5,000
  • 2 month screening and dialogue tour to Haitian villages, towns, and cities: $10,000

Thank you for believing in our mission! We hope you will consider donation to Haitian Perspectives in Film and we look forward to keeping you updated throughout the project.

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