Another moment in life of mixed emotions: We are very sorry to see Ali Pinschmidt, Program Coordinator, moving on after two and a half years at CSFilm, and very happy that Kate Bamberg has agreed to join us.
Ali started when the operation was still working out of my living room. She brought a unique knowledge of participatory filmmaking and community development. During her time at CSFilm, she lead the outreach and distribution work of the Afghan-made Fruit of Our Labor films, including the organizing of an impressive Congressional briefing in DC. More recently she has taken primary responsibility for reaching out to potential partners for our intended training and production work with new immigrants and refugees in the Boston area. Each of these efforts has been accomplished with great energy and spirit and within the constraints of a very young and underfunded organization. To grow CSFilm, Ali has written grant applications, donor appeals, newsletters and developed the vast amount of administrative infrastructure that a young organization depends on. As is Ali’s nature, during our farewell meeting and dinner with advisers Laura Roper and Anuradha Desai, Ali brought a detailed two page analysis of organizational strengths and weaknesses that will continue to inform our next steps even in her absence. I’m sure that all of you who have met or communicated with Ali over the last years join me in thanking her for her work and wishing her the very best in her new filmmaking, teaching and organizing ventures.
Another area that Ali managed astutely was our need for interns. Interns are the life blood of the organization and one intern that worked very hard for us last year was Kate Bamberg. If I remember correctly, the intern interview with Kate took place via skype, with me in Afghanistan, Kate on a semester abroad in London and Ali holding down the fort in Boston. Kate has now finished her dual degree in Film Studies and International Development, and we are thrilled that she was available to join the team. It is a great help that she already knows so much about the organization and she brings a dedication to the cause, with a particular interest in indigenous voices. Welcome aboard Kate! Read more about Kate on our staff page.
Michael Sheridan, Director