[Editor 7/21: CSFilm has removed the last names of Afghans and the images of those still in the country due to the deteriorating security situation.]
Community Supported Film is proud to announce the official selection of “Death to the Camera” for the 16th Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winthertur Short Film Festival in Switzerland – from November 6th-11th!
Death to the Camera, part of CSFilm’s documentary collection The Fruit of Our Labor, is a film by Qasem about a group of Afghan women working on a job site. The camera follows their conversations as they move from belly laughs to insults, discussing how they will make ends meet throughout the winter, wondering what happened to all the promised international aid, and arguing about whether Karzai is a crook or a servant of the people.
The Internationale Kurzfilmtage – International Short Film Festival – is the largest short film festival in Winterthur, Switzerland, and is dedicated to the art of and the sustainable promotion of short films. Tickets are now available!