Official Selection at Hot Docs International Documentary Festival 2012

March 20, 2012

[Ed. 7/21: CSFilm is no longer using the last names of Afghans or the images of those still in the country due to the deteriorating security situation.]

Qasem’s short film Death to the Camera from The Fruit of Our Labor collection was selected to be screened at the 2012 Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival!

Hot Docs is North America’s largest documentary film festival and conference, featuring over 150 films from around the world.

In Death to the Camera a camera moves among women working on a job site.  As they joke and fight with each other, the mood repeatedly shifts between belly laughs and rage.  While they wait for their pay, they consider how to cover their basic expenses, what happens to international aid and whether Karzai is a crook or a servant of the people.  Is the camera revealing anything truthful, or simply inciting these women to present what they think ‘the other’ wants to hear?

Direction and Camera: Qasem
Editing: Hamed
Sound: Mona

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