Women, Action & the Media Film Festival features films from TFOL

February 16, 2012
WAM!Boston Film Festival 2012 –
Saturday, March 24 at the Brattle Theatre: 40 Brattle Street, Cambridge, MA
1:00pm: Afghan-women produced shorts from The Fruit of Our Labor screening.
Congratulations Mona, Fakhria, Aqeela, and Zahra!
WAM!Boston presents a unique lineup of films made by and about women. Q&A with the filmmakers or film subjects will follow each screening.  CSFilm will screen three films from The Fruit of Our Labor made by and about Afghan women: Hands of Health, The Road Above, and Bearing the Weight. Zarah, director of Hands of Health, will be present for a live Skype discussion following the screening.
Buy $5 Ticket and More Info
Get your tickets in advance. Tickets may also be available at the door if supplies last. $5 per film, or buy an all-festival pass for just $20.
Presented in part with funding from the Cambridge Arts Council and the Massachusetts Cultural Council, and with support from our sponsors: The Brattle Theater, Cambridge Women’s Commission, and Women’s & Gender Studies at MIT.

[Editor Note 7/21: CSFilm has removed the last names of Afghans or images of those still in the country due to the deteriorating security situation.]

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Here are some options for your advocacy:

– Church World Services action-alert to oppose Trump’s indefinite refugee ban

– United in Welcome – Tell Your Elected Officials: We Value Welcoming

– Refugee Council – Quick Reference Guide and Top Four Ways to Take Action


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