Additional Screeing added by Belmont World Film –’s “Editor’s Pick!”
Tickets are free but must be reserved either at the Benton or online at
The Fruit of Our Labor – Afghan Perspectives in Film, Screening and Presentation
Friday, February 3rd, 7:30-9:30
Benton Library
75 Oakley Road
Belmont, MA
The response was so positive to the films we showed on Monday that we have decided to show the rest (and repeat a few of the favorites) at a screening next Friday, February 3rd, at 7:30pm at the Benton Library in Belmont. Please spread the word. Admission is free with a suggested donation of $10 to help continue CSFilm’s work.
Many thanks to Belmont World Film and Ellen Gitelman for organizing this screening!
Please forward this information to your community of family, friends, and colleagues. Follow CSFilm on Facebook!
Please support our training and education work. Audience members have stated repeatedly that watching The Fruit of Our Labor, even after 10 years of media coverage, was the first time they heard Afghans voices and saw more than fleeting views into Afghan life. We depend on your donations to continue this work.