NPR’s “Here and Now” features CSFilm

October 6, 2011
NPR’s Robin Young interviews Community Supported Film director Michael Sheridan on Here and Now.  The show aired on Friday October 7th, the 10th anniversary of the US invasion of Afghanistan.  Listen to the segment here.

Excerpt: “Filmmaker Michael Sheridan put cameras in the hands of Afghans and gave them training to make films about their lives.  The result is an unprecedented intimate look at Afghan life with exchanges no outsider has been privy to before.”  Robin Young, Host of NPR’s Here and Now

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1 Comment

  1. Susanne Slavick

    Dear Robin Young and Here and Now,

    Waking to NPR and our morning paper, there was paltry or non-existent
    coverage of today’s 10th anniversary of our invasion of Afghanistan. I was
    grateful to hear Michael Sheridan talking about the Fruits of Our Labor set
    of documentaries on Here and Now, putting a human face on a people plagued by and coping with this war that seems to never end.

    Susanne Slavick


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